Do you ever find yourself stumbling over how to name the parts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems? I know I have, but am trying to get back into the habit of calling each part by its proper term.
I admit I sometimes forget what each part of an equation is called, having returned to the classroom after being out of the classroom for a couple years. But I’ve now got these math operations vocabulary charts posted in our math area, which are great resources for students and teachers alike.
Each chart uses the proper vocabulary for each of the four operations. So, for example, that when describing how to check a subtraction problem, I can tell the child to add the difference to the subtrahend, and if the answer equals the minuend, then it’s correct.
I have used these as a reference for myself when on the floor giving lessons. I can easily glance up at the wall and then use the terminology correctly. I have also walked a student over to these and worked through a word problem while incorporating these terms, pointing to each part of the equation as we went.
I do think it’s important to teach children the correct terminology for these operations not only for solving the equations on hand, but for working through word problems, too. If a student isn’t sure if product refers to division or multiplication, it’s going to be tough to correctly solve the problem!
These charts are just one way to make these terms available as resources. How are you teaching math vocabulary to your students?