We recently started having our Lower Elementary children complete a student self evaluation form on Friday mornings, after having been inspired by one I saw during an observation at Sedona Charter School in January.
The student self evaluation is a basic, short form asking students to reflect on their work and behavior over the course of the week. This is a task that we hadn’t asked of the children before, so completing the student self evaluation needed an introduction as well as suggestions for what types of answers might fit the questions.
Giving the children time to complete the form allows them to review what activities they have completed over the last few days. This activity also has them think about their work in a way in which they might not have before. Inviting the children to think about what they enjoyed and what challenged them gives them time to ponder what worked and didn’t for them. It also give us teachers insight about these activities and what the children thought of them – something we might not have otherwise heard about.
Here’s what it looks like:
It’s certainly simple, but seems to gather enough information at the moment to gauge what is working and not, from a student perspective. I imagine we’ll update the self evaluation form every now and then to change the questions and maybe the graphics so it’s not always the same exact form each week.
If you’d like to use the student self evaluation form in your own classroom, just click the image above and save (the PDF file actually has 2 self evaluations per page to save on paper).