With the school year winding down, I wanted to share some more end of year activities with you, in addition to the scrapbook talked about last time. Do you have your last weeks of school planned out?
If not, here are a few end of year suggestions to consider:
Write advice for incoming students – This could be done with pre-made sheets with specific prompts, such as this one I found from Teaching in Room 6. Or, you could give the students prompts and a stack of sticky notes. They write their ideas and put them on a master sheet, or a labeled area of a whiteboard. Then have a few children consolidate the ideas into master lists that can be saved and shared at the beginning of next year.
Create a keepsake – Enlist a parent to help you take individual photos of each child with a fun and colorful frame they hold up during the photo shoot. In lieu of a scrapbook, have students reflect on the year and describe highlights of the year and include the photo with their writing. You could also email the photos to parents, or post them on your classroom web page/blog.
Create and deliver a short presentation on what they learned – Have students pick a topic that they feel they mastered this year. Have them create a poster, Prezi presentation, skit, or song to share with the class.
Play Jeopardy – Use this game as a cumulative assessment by choosing various topics and writing questions with varying difficulty. Divide the class into teams and be amazed at all the answers they know! We played this using a handful of science topics that we’d covered over the last semester. They kids LOVED it and so did we as teachers. To get the students more involved, have them write the questions and then quiz their classmates!
These are just a few suggested end of year activities. What will you be doing?