Category Archives: Cultural

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Enjoying the Small Moments

Amidst the day-to-day routine and activities of our Lower Elementary classroom, it is easy and the norm for me to get caught up in making sure everyone is on task, seeing to lessons, redirecting children, and so on and so forth. You know what I’m talking about, fellow teachers, right?

I’ve been consciously working on taking a step back to observe and simply enjoy the small moments in each day where something sweet or unexpected (in a good way!) happens. And just enjoy it. In the moment.

And those moments are happening more often that I thought, when I take the time to notice. From the unsolicited hug from a student, or seeing two students going to get the peace flower to resolve a conflict they’re having, my heart is warmed. Below are photos of a couple moments that I was actually able to capture on camera!

From across the room, I could see that a couple of second year girls were doing their math work on the floor. Since our floor space is somewhat limited, as I got closer I could see that they were sharing a work mat. Each girl was using a different material (unit division board for one, bead bar multiplication for the other), but they each used half the mat and sat on opposite sides of the mat. Typically, each work should have its own dedicated work mat, but since they were on task, happy, and making the most of tight quarters, I didn’t say anything. I actually found it to be creative and pretty darn sweet.

Two students sharing a work mat to complete math activities

Two students sharing a work mat to complete math activities

Just today during a Writer’s Workshop lesson, the children were asked to make a list of some memories that were important to them. They were invited to stay on the floor or go write at a table. Sort of spontaneously they all laid on their stomachs and got right to work. It struck me as another sweet moment where the children were engaged and happy.  Win!


Students at work making a list of memories during Writer's Workshop

Students at work making a list of memories during Writer’s Workshop

I plan to make a conscious effort to step back and observe these small moments. They make my day each time I take the time, just for a minute or two, to experience what is happening all around us in our classroom.

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