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Making a word study card sort activity (Part 1)

A staple in the Montessori elementary classroom is language card sort activities. The types of card sorts vary in content, but nevertheless, these versatile, hands-on manipulatives are a constant. A child can work on a card sort activity independently, or with a partner. These activities are also typically self-checking (although sometimes a teacher is used as the “checker”).

Word study card sorts focus on one skill within each set of cards. It is common to have increasingly challenging sets on the same topic, however, so that children may work on improving their ability on a concept throughout their years in the multi-age classroom.

Sorting cards by category or ordering cards in a certain pattern are two types of card sorts seen in elementary classes. For example, children may be given a set of cards to sort by which homophone makes sense in the sentence provided, match beginnings and endings of words to create compound words, or order cards to show the beginning, middle, and end of a paragraph.

Here is an example of a homophone word study card sort:

Homophone card sort activity

Homophone card sort activity

Let’s get on now to creating a card sort! In the example to be created here, general instructions will be provided about what to include for an ordered card sort to practice alphabetizing.

1. Decide on the content you want to include. For this card sort, I want to create three sets of cards for children to alphabetize. Each set will have an increasing level of difficulty.

  • Set 1: Alphabetize by first letter only
  • Set 2: Alphabetize by first letter mostly, with a couple cards to practice alphabetizing by the first two letters.
  • Set 3: Alphabetize mostly by the first 2 letters.

2. Write out the content that you will use (in this case, the words you want on the cards). I find this is usually the most time-consuming part!

Hopefully you have an understanding of what word study cards sort are plus the first couple steps to get you started in creating your own. Part 2 of these instructions will be coming very soon. Promise!

To be continued…continue to Part 2!

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