Category Archives: Cultural

History, geography, and science related posts

Celebrating Earth Day

On April 22,  the 44th anniversary of Earth Day will be celebrated.  Over the years we have observed this day with our students in a variety of ways, ranging from very simple (class discussion or read-aloud) to the more elaborate (school-wide fair). No matter how you will be celebrating Earth Day with your students, as long as it works for your class, you can’t go wrong!

Here are some ideas that you might want to give a try:

          •  Do a read aloud with a book such as The Lorax by Dr. Seuss or Common Ground: The Water, Earth, and Air We Share by Molly Bang and follow up with a discussion
          • Spend some time cleaning up trash in a nearby park or on the school campus
          • Use the scraps in your recycled paper bin to make homemade paper
          • Plant seeds, flowers, or trees on your school campus
          • Start a compost bin to recycle food scraps
          • Attend a community Earth Day festival
          • Hold a clothing drive and donate the gently used clothes to a local shelter
          • Go for a hike and enjoy the natural beauty of the community where you live

Exploring Red Rock Canyon

Exploring Red Rock Canyon

How will you be observing Earth Day with your students?

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